On the completion of 3 years as Prime Minister, Narendra Modi welcomed the analysis in various media about the performance of his three-year-old government at the Centre, saying “constructive criticism” strengthens democracy. Appreciating this exercise conducted over the last one month,
Modi said he believed that in a democracy the government should be
answerable and must present its report card to the people.
Modi, who led the Bharatiya Janata Party to victory in the 2014 Lok Sabha polls, was sworn-in as the prime minister on May 26 that year. He noted that the surveys have assessed in detail his government’s performance on all fronts and said it was a “great exercise”. He said some opinion polls and surveys had appreciated his government’s
work, some had supported it while some highlighted the drawbacks. From the result of these surveys, the government can take lessons and move ahead, he added.
Answering the critics of his ‘Mann Ki Baat’ radio broadcast, Modi said he had not thought it would be viewed politically when he launched the programme over two years back. He said through the programme, he had “become like a member of every household” of the country, conversing with “my family” about routine issues. “Some people take Mann Ki Baat as a monologue and some criticise it from a political angle,” Modi said, apparently referring to opposition parties which have been alleging that he only says what he wants to and does not listen to the people’s voices.